Blount County Family Files

The following is a list of files and their corresponding volume number(s) which the Museum has amassed since its beginning. We solicit family files from anyone who has a connection with Blount County, whether by ancestry, marriage, or residence.

Eventually, we hope to have these and other records available online for our patrons.


Abercromby 006
Agricola 005
Alabama Gen Society 001
Alexander 003
Allgood 008,009,013,014,018,416
Allred 017
Amason 002
Amberson 015 016
Anderson 011, 012, 012A
Andersonville 017B
Anderton 004
Andrews 101
Arbuthnots 017A
Armstrong 007
Ash 010
Askew 010A, 261


Bostick 060
Bowden 069
Bowerman 053
Box 031, 056, 031
Bradley 051 052
Brewer 022, 59A
Brothers 386
Brown 049
Bryan 070B
Buckner 386
Burden 091
Burgess 021
Burns 054, 061
Burns 061
Burrow 070, 070A
Butts 413
Bynum 029, 030, 033, 034, 035,
037, 038, 039, 040, 041,
042, 043, 044, 045, 059
Bailey 027
Baker 407
Barnett 053
Barnett 055
Bartlett 036
Base 056A
Bass 019
Battles 024
Bibb 058
Bibby 063 067
Bicknell 066
Bilbreath 182
Billingsley 023
Bink 402
Bishop 028
Blackburn 020 048
Blackmon 065, 130
Blackwood 025, 026, 038, 046,
047, 050, 050A
Blakely 057, 386, 59
Blount 032, 070
Boaz 062 062A
Bobo 064 068


Calvert 077, 076, 075, 075A, 076,
077, 078, 079, 080
Campbell 082, 211
Cannon 59A
Carmichael 098B
Carnes 086, 098, 086, 138
Carter 98E,
Cato 99H
Chambers 096
Chamblee 098A
Champion Mines 098D
Chapman 081 092 093 012A
Childress 073
Churchwell 083
Clements 386
Cobb 097
Cole 094, 094A 141
Collinsville 098C
Cook 088
Cooper 189
Cope 114
Copeland 084A
Cornelius 089, 074, 087, 072, 072A
Cotaco 071
Cowden 090, 085, 085A
Coyle 084
Crump 095, 386, 141
Cullwells 99G
Cumbest 99F
Cummins 407, 155


Daily 107, 110
Daves 109A
Davidson 104, 103
Dearman/Deerman 106
Deaver 108 099
Dickinson 105, 101
Dorning 109
Drennen 100 102
Duffy 386


Ellis 111, 112, 112A, 417
Epps 112B F
Faulkner 405
Feemster 114
Fendley 115, 122, 123, 124, 125
Fink 402
Flournoy 119
Foscue 121A
Foster 120
Foust 113
Foust 117, 118, 405
Fowler 121
Fox 391
Frazier 116


Galloway 131
Gamble 128
Garrett 156B, 156C, 156D
Garrett 391
Gentry 345
Gibson 386
Gilbert 156, 386A
Gilley 129
Gilliland 130, 136, 137, 137A, 386
Gilmore 156A
Glover 135
Goffs 126
Good 133
Goodwin 134
Graves 132
Green 127
Green 138, 386
Gunter 098D H
Hall 139
Hallmark 148, 155, 155A,
370, 370A, 395
Hamby 141
Hamilton 407
Hammond 173
Handley 162
Harllee 174, 175, 176
Harmony 152
Harp 386
Harris 149, 149A, 216
Hart 168, 168A
Harvey 163
Hassinger 164
Hathorn 165
Hawkins 143, 157, 158
Haynes 391
Hays 158A, 158B
Henderson 147
Hendricks 146
Hendricks 370
Hewitt 370
Hickman 166
History of Alabama 383, 384, 385
Hoenig 177
Holcomb 169
Holden 142
Holliday 345
Hollingsworth 150, 168, 172
Holt 161, 161A, 188A, 392
Hood 154
Hood 167
Horsley 144
Horton 145, 169, 171
Hudson 159, 160
Huffstutler 140, 151, 405
Huie 405
Humphreys 153


Ingram 179, 180
Isbell 178
Izard 181


Jackson 184, 185, 186, 186A 012A
James 189A
Jenkins 182, 182A
Jernigan 189
N Johnson 386, 386A
241, 242, 243, 244
Jones 187, 188
Jordans 183


Keel 93
Keith 192, 194, 286
Kelly 412, 413
Kemp 415
Kenshaw 261
Kimball 202
King 191, 193, 87, 88
Klein 190


LaFon 200
Lamonts 201
Lang 407
Linder 196, 388
Lindsey 195, 197
Love 390, 393
Lowe 199
Lumpkin 203, 204, 205


Magna 206
Majors 386
Maples 386
Marlow 207
Marsh 208
Martin 210
Mathis 209
May 212
McAnally 213, 214
McCay 215, 369
McClendon 216, 217, 386
McCray 218
McCullough 219, 220,221
McPherson 407
Mead 211
Millican 223, 224
Mize 222, 324
Moody 225,226
Moon 228
Moore 227
Moorehouse 348
Morgans 229,235
Morris 230
Morton 231, 232, 234, 235
Mullins 239
Murphree 236, 237, 238, 239, 240,
Nation 251
Neely 249, 249A NeSmith 250
Newsome 419


O'Bannon 252
Odenkirchen 253
Odenville 254
Odom 386
Otelco 255
Owsley 256, 257, 258


Palmer 259, 260
Parham 261
Parker 262
Paul 263, 264
Phillips 265, 266, 386
Pitt 267
Poellnitz 268
Poinsett 269
Posey 270, 271
Powell 59A, 59B
Poyntz 272
Preston 273
Price 274, 275, 276, 277
Prince 290
Puckett 403
Pullen 278


Ragsdale 279
Ratliff 280
Reed 281, 282
Reese 286
Reid 283, 284, 285, 420
Ricks 287
Roden 288
Rogers 291
Rosser 289
Rudd 59A
Ryan 290


Sanders 392
Sargent 397, 261
Savage 291
Scheible 292
Seibert 293
Self 295, 295A, 405
Sellers 294, 294A
Sewell 296
Sharp 297
Short 299
Silvey 298
Simcock 299, 300
Sims 418
Sloan 301
Smiley 302
Smith 303, 304, 305, 306, 387
Snell 307
Sourwood 309, 310
Stamps 308
Stanfiled 309, 310
Steele 311, 312
Stephens 313
Sterling 314
Story of Alabama 378, 379, 380,
381, 382
Stringer 316
Susan Moore 315
Swann 317, 318, 319


Tabb 320
Tate 386
Telford 324
Templeman 325
Terrell 321
Terry 322, 323
Thomas 326, 327, 328, 329
Thomason 330
Thornhill 331
Threads 324
Tidmore 320
Tidwell 332, 333
Tilsley 334
Tolbert 386
Trader 335
Tubb 336
Turner 337, 338


Vaughn 340
Veal 341
Village Springs 339


Waid 344
Waldrop 390
Walker 345, 346, 347, 386
Ward 348
Ware 391
Warner 351
Washburn 349
Waugh 386
Weaver 352
Weeks 353
Weems 354
Wester 355, 356
Weston 405
Whited 357
Whitley 400
Whittimer 93
Wigington 358, 359
Wilder 350
Wilemon 360
Willard 362
Williams 365, 366, 367, 368, 404
Wilson 370, 371, 407
Wisdon 364
Wittmeier 363
Witts 361, 369
Woodard 372, 398
Woodard 398
Wooten 373
Wren 374
Wright 375, 410, 411
Wynn 376


Yarbrough 419
Yeild 341A
Yielding 342, 115
Young 343, 420